成功移民要知道的知識 – 工作經驗時數

在考慮申請技術移民的時候我們會看到一個重要的評估加分項目, 叫做 “Work Experience” – 工作經驗。在檢視 “工作經驗” 這個定義的時候,會有好幾個面向。 工作的小時數,薪資的結構, 工作的內容,在這一篇文章我們提到的是工作經驗的時數問題(在雇主擔保中 “工作經驗” 名詞的定義,我們另外的說明,這裡只談到技術移民的部, 例如 491, 190 和189 簽證 ) 。



Employment : working at least one hour per week 

Work full time : working full time for 35 hours per week.

公平工作法中說明 : 

The Fair Work Act leans towards 38 hours per week for full-time.

移民法規 :

EOI point test : 

Skilled employment experience, employed means engaged in an occupation for remuneration for at least 20 hours a week.

移民法中程序諮詢手冊 Procedures Advice Manual 定義為 : 

  • In Australia, full time work is defined on the basis of the number of hours worked each week. Persons working 35 hours or more are regarded as full-time workers; persons working for less than 35 hours are defined as part-time workers.”

其他處又說 : Regulation 2.26AC:

  • Reg 2.26AC   Prescribed qualifications and number of points for subclass 189, 190, 489 and 491 visas
  • “employed means engaged in an occupation for remuneration for at least 20 hours a week.” 


我們彙整了幾個重要單位的定義提供大家參考 : 

在申請 EOI 時移民法規的定義 

1, 在 EOI 分數 Skilled employment experience 

 一般定義為 : 受僱是指每周至少 20 小時從事有報酬的職業。

Employed means engaged in an occupation for remuneration for at least 20 hours a Week.

2, 在職業評估時 : 

一般 Full time work is paid employment performed for a minimum of 20 hours per week.

( 注意 : 請以各個評估單位要求為準 )

3, 在州提名時 :

州 / 領地小時數 / 週說明
NSW20 小時 / 週This work experience must be deemed skilled and a minimum 20 hours per week 
VIC20 小時 / 週 或40 小時雙週Skilled work experience must be undertaken post-course completion and is defined as a minimum of 20 hours per week or 40 hours per fortnight of paid employment in your nominated or closely related occupation (some concessions apply if you are currently working in outer regional. 
QLD35 小時 / 週Work experience must be full-time, with a minimum of 35 hours per week.
ACT20 小時 / 週 Worked a minimum 20 hours per week
SA20 小時 / 週 或40 小時雙週Skilled work experience must be undertaken post-course completion and is defined as a minimum of 20 hours per week or 40 hours per fortnight of paid employment in your nominated or closely related occupation (some concessions apply if you are currently working in outer regional South  Australia, or you are a long-term resident of South Australia, or for specified occupations). Applicants already working in South Australia and South Australian graduates may be eligible for exemptions or waivers to the work experience requirement, as specified in the occupation requirements. 
TAS平均 20 小時 / 週 must average at least 20 hours per week 
WA20 小時 / 週 You can only count work experience gained after you received your qualification, in paid employment, where you have worked at least 20 hours per week.  
NT35 小時 / 週 At least 35 hours per week is considered to be full-time.

以上是 491,190,189 簽證的適用說明。

但是工作內容又分 : “相關工作經驗“及”密切相關工作經驗“,我們下期討論。